Daniel K. wurde "Student Ambassador" während seines High School Years in Whistler, Kanada
When Daniel K. from Germany started looking for a study abroad opportunity he was excited that he had a chance to go to Sea to Sky. An avid snow boarder, Daniel wanted to combine his study abroad experience with his love for the sport. Whistler was a perfect choice for him. “I wanted to go to Whistler because of snowboarding and all the other opportunities to do sports.” We asked him to describe his new country and community. “ I just love Canada because everyone is so friendly and nice. And I love that everyone does sports.”
Daniel is enrolled in Whistler Secondary and we asked him to tell us the difference between school in Canada and his school in Germany. “What I like most about school is that I have more practical classes than in Germany like my Foods class. I am also looking forward to my next semester because I will take an Outdoor Education class.” Daniel is also looking forward to taking a Level One Avalanche Course in school.
Daniel has lots of friends in the community and this is because he has been active ly participating in all the great opportunities. He was very grateful for the discounted price he received from Whistler for a Season’s Pass by being a student in our district.
We asked Daniel what sports and activities he had joined. “I played on the football team this fall – ‘Go Pemberton Grizzlies’ – so that was really great. Now the snow is here and I will be on the mountain and snowboarding every weekend all season.”
We asked Daniel what he thought about his new Canadian family and his homestay experi ence. He said, “My homestay is just awesome. My mom is a Foods and Physical Education teacher so there is always great food around. They are an athletic family with lots of gear at home for both summer and winter sports.”
We asked Daniel about his feeling about going home. He said, “ I think I will be sad that I have to leave my new family and friends here and also that I will be leaving my new country and school behind me. But it will be cool because I will meet all my old friends and my own family again. So my feelings will probably be split, family and friends here and at home. I know I will miss both!”